
Voluntary Tutor ID 01
Address Jyoto Osaka
Gender Female
Age 21
How to Contact By E-mail
where to study Cafe
On Line
Seeking for Japanese Language Tutor
International Friends
Teaching Method Experienced in teaching Japanese language (for advanced students)
Japanese language test guidance (for advanced students)
Good at explaining Japanese grammar (for advanced users)
Proceed with the lesson according to the text (all levels)
Japanese conversation partner (beginner)
Japanese Teaching Experience Non
How to do Language Lessson Supplementary explanations available in Japanese and English
Need Japanese Language Textbook? Not Necessary
Status University/College Students
Self-Introduction 語学交流・文化交流、お友達を作りたいと思っています☺︎もちろん費用は一切かかりません。よければお友達になりましょう☺︎
I’m looking forward to language and cultural exchange and making friends with you. Of course, there is no cost to you. If you like, we can be friends. ☺︎
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