Tutors Introduction service

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We are NOT match making website or NOT a Dating Agency, so We do not introduce people of the opposite Gender. If you choose any opposite Gender, we will ignore it. Use for dating purposes is prohibited. thank you for your understanding.
We are NOT match making website or NOT a Dating Agency, so We do not introduce people of the opposite Gender. If you choose any opposite Gender, we will ignore it. Use for dating purposes is prohibited. thank you for your understanding.
We are NOT match making website or NOT a Dating Agency, so We do not introduce people of the opposite Gender. If you choose any opposite Gender, we will ignore it. Use for dating purposes is prohibited. thank you for your understanding.
It will not be posted on the website.
E-mail Address
How old are you?
(Example) Please write down your hobbies such as gaming, shopping, listening to music, reading, traveling, etc.
Preferred contact method
place where you take a Language lessons
About Japanese tutoring session
Your Availability
If you have any available lesson times, please let us know.
About Japanese Language Textbook
Please let us know if you have any textbooks to use in the actual class, if you have your tutor prepare one for you, if you will proceed with the lesson without any textbooks, and what books you will use for the class content.
How to contact
【privacy policy】

Please refer to here for the privacy policy.

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